Computer Network Simulation and Network Security Auditing in a Spatial Context of an Organization
InSITE 2005
• Volume 5
• 2005
The business organizations currently functioning inside cyberspace are vulnerable to threats and forms of crimes that were unknown prior to the Internet era. New challenges for security have emerged from this situation. It has become increasingly necessary to educate a large number of professionals to be better prepared to maintain the growing number of computer networks. Also, there is a need to place strong emphasis on the security aspects of a network. These goals are impossible to realize without solving the following problems: lack of safe infrastructure, where security experiments can not compromise the organization’s security; and the complexity of existing security auditing methodologies which limits the number of professionals who are able to use them. The complexity makes difficult to obtain a bird-eye view of the whole company’s security system in a way similar to tactical and strategic military map. This hinders the ability to have a single complete status of an organization. This paper describes a tool that can be used to overcome the above problems.
information system security auditing, survivability, 3D interface, network visualization
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